
The best way to describe the Archives and all its iterations at St George’s Weybridge are a lasting memory of our past, a snapshot of our present and a gift for our future!

The Archives at St George’s Weybridge are situated in two locations, one in the White House and one in the Red House. The archive collections contain the institutional and cultural heritage of the school. Our archival items here at St George’s vary greatly in their differing materials.

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St George’s College

St George’s was originally founded in Croydon in 1869 and was the very first Josephite school outside Belgium. The origins of the School were bounded up with the Catholica renaissance movement in England.

St Maur’s Convent

The first St Maur’s school in England was opened in Camberwell in 1897, the sisters then moved to Weybridge in the following year.

Barrow Hills School

Needing more accommodation for the Boy’s in the summer of 1950 the college brought 40 acres of grounds called Barrow Hills at Longcross.

Woburn Hill School

In the early 1950’ s the lower forms were separated from the main body of St George’s an two new schools were founded; Barrow Hills. The boarding preparatory school and Woburn Hill

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